SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Judy Ogana

  • Judy Ogana
© Go Down

Judy Ogana is the General Manager of the GoDown Arts Centre, Nairobi. She joined the GoDown – multi-disciplinary arts space in Nairobi's Industrial area - in 2006, after her engagement as the Communications and Resource Development Manager with the Aga Khan University-EA.Prior to her appointment at the University, she worked at Kuona Trust for seven years, and was the Director for the organization for four. Judy also serves on the Board of Art Moves Africa, a Pan-African grant-making body that supports artists' travel within Africa.Judy has a Bachelor of Education degree in Fine Arts from Kenyatta University, and a Post-graduate certificate in Arts and Culture Management from University of Wittswatesrand, Johannesburg.

From http://www.thegodownartscentre.com/index.php/aboutthegodown/staff/16-staff/50-judy-ogana


1 files


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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