SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Kuona Trust

Genre : Cultural centre, Cultural operator
Status : Not-for-profit company
Principal country concerned : Column : Fine arts
Likoni CloseHurlingham
Contact by email

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Kuona Trust is a not-for-profit organisation founded in 1995 at the National Museum of Kenya to serve visual artists and has since worked with over one thousand five hundred artists giving them skills and opportunities to advance themselves whilst increasing the profile and role of the visual arts in Kenya.

Their mission is "to advance the skills and opportunities of artists and make art a valued and integral part of our society". They do this through providing artists with studio spaces, art training workshops, exhibitions and we organize local and international workshops, residencies and artist led outreach projects for local communities. They have studio space for around 20 artists.

Kuona aims to:
- find and nurture innate artistic talent
- improve capacity and opportunities for professional artists
- increase awareness and appreciation of contemporary Kenyan artists and art.

Kuona is also strong advocate for cultural exchange, hosting international artists' workshops and residencies and assisting established artists to participate in exchange throughout the world- Kuona acts as a hub for its African network.

From 2012 to 2015, Kuona Trust is the Southplanet partner for the visual art sector in Kenya.


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

With the support of