SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Tahar Chikhaoui

Tahar Chikhaoui
© Courtesy of FIFF 2011, Namur
Film critic, University lecturer, Publication director, Consultant
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv, Literature, History/society, Media

Tahar Chikhaoui (الطاهر الشيخاوي) was born in July 17th, 1954, in Tunisia, and graduated from the Teachers' Training School of Tunis. He works as assistant lecturer in Arts and Humanities at Manouba, where he equally teaches French Literature and Cinema (film analysis and film history). In the process, he trains students from EDAC, a private school of Arts and Cinema. Tahar Chikhaoui is the founder and organiser of "Cinecrits", a review published in Tunisia. He has also authored several cinema articles in Tunisia and abroad.


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Best of FIFF 2009



  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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