SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Pita Aldio

© Pita Aldio
Painter, Sculptor / carver
Principal country concerned : Column : Heritage, Arts and crafts
Solomon Islands
Contact by email

Aldio Pita is from Bareho Village, Marovo Lagoon, Western Province.
Aldio carves beautiful wood and stone sculptures, paints on various mediums and creates wonderfully textured papers.
 He mainly works with wood using Kerosene wood, Rosewood and Ebony Wood. Most of his carvings are of traditional origins and are intricately carved with the wisdom passed down from his ancestors.
 Further to Carving, Aldio paints traditionally inspired paintings on various mediums and he specially prints designs on papers he creates from local leaves, seaweed and waste paper. Aldio has been producing quality papers from local resources for about eight years and he mainly uses various local leaves (Peo Leaf (Same family as the Banana tree but it mainly grows by the river), Kepu leaf (used for stone ovens) and Vaho (also used for stone ovens)), Seaweeds (Kuli) and waste papers to create delightfully textured papers for his prints and his paintings.
Aldio also teaches his paper-making skills to neighbouring villages (Nazareth and Tengomo villages) to enable those artistically inclined to have an alternative source of income.
 At present, Aldio lives in his village and is helping community to work together to create quality carvings, paintings and recycled papers


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

With the support of