SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Orlando Mesquita

Orlando Mesquita
Film director
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Orlando Mesquita is a Mozambican Director and Film Editor.

Orlando Mesquita Tello Pereira de Lima was born in November 21, 1962 in Nampula. Since his childhood has a passion for film and cartoon sequences did (simple) on the pages of school books and could see when flipping through the animation result, some football, karate etc.. Even invented a film projector with a shoebox and drawings on clear plastic, with the help of a flashlight, the projected Wall to your friends. His father was an amateur video, once, after independence, filmed for the district government and had a cultural celebration, as always, the films to be unveiled in South Africa and never returned the tapes and so was arrested and when the released a year later, his house was empty. When is 16 years old, his father gave him a camera and an 8mm projector and also many films of Charlie Chaplin and Laurel and Hardy (Laurel and Hardy).

Mosque wants to work in film and presented in 1983 as a candidate for the new company Kanem in Maputo that offered courses in film studies, where he works as an editor, sounder and producer until 1991. So is assistant editor of the film "Karingana Karingana wa", "Maputo Woman" and "Blood Border." Since 1987, serves as editor of several audiovisual projects such as "Governors of Dew," a film adaptation of a play group Mutumbela Gogo ninety minutes, "Kassav" (7 min.) Video clip of the music group Kassav being repaired in Maputo, "Womanhood" (25 min.) audiovisual poem about a Mozambican woman, "The Shepherd" (8 min.) a video clip about young lovers in Mozambique and "When the flowers began to Smile" (300 min.), a series of 10 television programs on the environment. Also in 1991 ends "Pollution (The Other Face of Progress)" a short film (12 min.) On the pollution in the city of Maputo.

In these years attending courses in photography and film production in 1991 to complete school in San Antonio de los Baños in Cuba, this time directed by Brazilian Orlando Senna. Oh, also found other Mozambicans who attend school, but then they continue their career. When he returns he works as editor for the new company Ebano Multimedia, and so in 1991, works for the documentaries "Marracuene" and "Goodbye DDR (DDR Farwell). He also works for other companies and projects. Co-founded the IRIS Imaginations, a company dedicated to developing communication materials designed to develop life skills. Mosque is also a founding member of Coopimagem, which is a joint venture company to produce graphics and film who works as a creative in the design, layout of books, pamphlets, and film editor. Mosque is responsible for several films in sound and musical composition and visual special effects and soundtracks. Does the direction of the first telenovela actors Mozambique "No need to push." In 2005 makes the conception, design and editing a series of cartoons in Mozambique "Musculinho," a caricature of a Mozambican who every day have to invent a way'muddling through life' (get something to eat). Between 1983 and 2010 is editor, director and composer of film over 300 films, including documentaries, fiction, music, video clips, TV shows, etc.. signing various areas of production for most of film production in Mozambique.

From his personal website https://sites.google.com/site/orlandomesquitalima/Home/minha-aventura-cinematografica


- Dom João (short films)

- The Neighbours (Three short films)

- O Craque (documentary)

- A Tempestade (short film, fiction)

- Beat It (Five documentaries about youth culture, 5x15')

- Eclipse (documentary 25')
- The Ball (documentary 5')

- Nossa Terra (documentary 53')

- Histórias Comunitárias (6 documentaries 6x26')

- Vila Autórquica (2 fiction episodes 2x20')

- A Caminho da Reintegração (documentary 23')

- Rodas da Rua (documentary 5')

- Correntes (documentary 26')

- Quando as Flores começarem a Florir (TV series 10x30')
- Pollution (The other face of progress) (documentary 12')


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  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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