SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Marcelo Fortaleza Flores

Marcelo Fortaleza Flores
Film director, Photographer, Writer, Ethnologist, Director of photography (d.o.p.)
Principal country concerned : Column : Theater, Cinema/tv, Photo, Literature, History/society

Filmmaker/photographer/writer Marcelo Fortaleza Flores introduced the teaching of digital video to children in Dakar and Gorée Island in Senegal, and Senegalese filmmaker El-Hadji Samba Sarr, taught the video workshops among the maroons of São Lourenço, in Northeastern Brazil.

More About Filmmaker/Photographer/Writer Marcelo Fortaleza Flores:
"I have been teaching photography and filmmaking (Digital Media) to Amazonian indigenous peoples as well as to disenfranchised children in Africa since 1995. Here is a photograph of Yanahin Wauja, an indigenous photographer and cameraman I trained in the Xingu Park in Brazil, filming a rehearsal for the representation of a Wauja ritual mask dance in Montpellier, France in 2005. The representation was sponsored by the new ethnographic Musée du Quai Branly as part of the Year of Brazil in France. Yanahin and I are co-directors in a joint project about the Wauja mask dance and its representation in Western cultures. A recent publication in the review Gradhiva in France features two excellent photographs by Yanahin."

Source: http://www.ugotrade.com/a-meeting-of-eyes-africa-brazil-caribbean/


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