SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Jean-Marie Teno

  • Jean-Marie Teno
© DR
Film director, Producer, Screenwriter, Director of photography (d.o.p.), Editor, Associate producer
Principal country concerned : Column : Music, Cinema/tv

Born in Famleng (Cameroon).
Jean-Marie Teno made his first film, the documentary short Schubbah, in 1983. Since then, he has directed both documentary and fiction, most often working in the form of the cinematic essay. His films, frequently shot by himself, bear the trademarks of first-person cinema. Lyrical and provocative, Teno's cinema is rooted in post-colonial experience and attempts to come to grips with societal issues facing contemporary Africa. He has tackled such topics as cultural censorship Africa, I Will Fleece You, emigration trends Clando, human rights and equality between the sexes Chef! the impact of a global economy on the developing world A Trip to the Country, as well as polygamy and ritual Alex's Wedding. The corruption found in various sectors of society (government, business, tribal leadership) is an underlying theme in much of his work. With his latest film, The Colonial Misunderstanding, Teno presents a sharp critique of the role of nineteenth-century German missionaries in Africa, which led to colonial conquest.

Along with Melissa Thackway, he is the author of "Reel Resistance: the Cinema of Jean-Marie Teno" (James Currey, March 2020).


Jean-Marie Teno, 1954 in Kamerun geboren, studiert audiovisuelle Kommunikation in Frankreich und arbeitet als Filmkritiker und Cutter. 1997 gründet er seine eigene Produktionsfirma. Seit mehr als 20 Jahren dreht und produziert er Filme zur kolonialen und postkolonialen Geschichte Afrikas. Seine Filme werden weltweit auf Festivals ausgezeichnet. Im Moment hat er einen Lehrauftrag in den USA.


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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