SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Imad Noury

Imad Noury
Film director
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Born in 6 January 1983.

He is Moroccan by his father (Hakim NOURY, famous director) and Spanish by his mother (María Pilar CAZORLA, producer).

With his elder Souheil (Swel), Imad NOURY have directed 3 short films and two features.

Filmographie / Filmography
1999 - Coupable / Guilty, CM
2001 - Pas de secrets / No secrets, CM
2003 - Album de famille / Album family, CM
2006 - Les portes du paradis / Heaven Doors, LM nominated in 2006 Berlinale (Germany)
2009 - L'Homme qui a vendu le monde / The Man who sold the World, LM

CM = Court métrage / Short film
LM = Long métrage / Feature film


1 files


4 files


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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