SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Bomavé Konaté

Bomavé Konaté
Sculptor / carver
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv, Fine arts, Heritage
Burkina Faso

Bomavé Konaté es escultor burquinabe, hombre de encuentros y viajes, que a su manera quiere hacer revivir su cultura a los africanos.
Conciente de las dificultades que implica el preservar y mostrar su propia cultura en su país, creó, en Bomoro, el Parque Internacional de Artes Modernas y Tradicionales (el PIAMET).

Bomavé Konaté is a sculptor from Burkina Faso, a man who has travelled much and met many people, who, in his own way, wants Africans to live once more in their own culture. Aware of the difficulties involved in preserving and displaying his culture in his country, he has set up the International Centre for Modern and Traditional Arts (PIAMET).


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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