SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Amil Shivji

  • Amil Shivji
© DR
Film director, Producer, Screenwriter, Associate producer
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Tanzanian film director, screenwriter and producer.

Amil SHIVJI is a director, screenwriter and producer from Tanzania.

He is known for T-JUNCTION (2017, Director) and TUG OF WAR (2021, Director).

Amil Shivji is a graduate from the Film Production program at York University in Canada. He is currently based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, his homeland, as a freelance filmmaker. He believes filmmaking is the strongest medium for bringing about social change by confronting social and political injustice. He has always felt the pull of media having experience as a news reporter, a radio host and now as a filmmaker. Neo-colonialism, cultural and political imperialism and Palestinian solidarity have been at the center of his activist and media work. He is particularly interested in using his work to challenge historical and contemporary misrepresentations of the African continent.

- (2010) The Maple Lie (Short)
- (2011) MataDanZe (Documentary)
- (2011) Hiari Orphanage (Documentary)
- (2012) Who Killed Me - Qui M'a Tué (Short)
- (2013) Shoeshine (Short)
- (2014) Samaki Mchangani (Fish of the Land) (Short)
- (2017) T-Junction (LM)
- (2018) Wahenga (Documentary)
- (2021) Mozizi (Short)
- (2021) Tug of War (Vuta N'Kuvute) (LM)

www.fcat.es/FCAT/index.php?option=com_zoo&task=item&item_id=1127&Itemid=37 (FCAT 2012 - Cordoba, Spain)
IMDB - www.imdb.com/name/nm5065217/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cr5

Amil Shivji se ha graduado hace poco en el programa de Producción Fílmica de la Universidad de York, en Canadá. Actualmente vive en Dar es Salaam, la ciudad donde nació, y trabaja como realizador independiente. Cree que el cine es el medio más poderoso para conseguir un cambio social cuando plasma la injusticia social y política. Siempre ha sido consciente del peso de los medios ya que trabajó como reportero de noticias, locutor de radio y ahora como cineasta. El neocolonialismo, el imperialismo cultural y político, así como la solidaridad con Palestina han ocupado el centro de su labor de activista y periodista. Está interesado en usar el medio cinematográfico para desbaratar las tergiversaciones históricas y contemporáneas sobre el continente africano.

Filmografía / Filmography / Filmographie: 2010 The Maple Lie (cm) - 2011 MataDanZe (doc) - Hiari Orphanage (doc) - 2012 Who Killed Me (cm)

Filmografía disponible en cinenómada
2012 - Who Killed Me

Source : FCAT 2012 - Cordoba


Amil Shivji vive attualmente a Dar es Salaam, in Tanzania, dove ha fondato una casa di produzione, Kijiweni Productions. È fortemente convinto che il cinema sia il mezzo più forte per portare avanti un cambiamento equo, attraverso il confronto sociale e politico. Ha sempre avuto l'inclinazione ad esprimersi attraverso diversi media, cercando di fare esperienza come giornalista, conduttore radiofonico e ora come regista. Neocolonialismo, imperialismo culturale e politico e panafricanismo sono temi al centro del suo lavoro di attivista e media. Amil è particolarmente interessato a utilizzare il suo lavoro per sfidare false rappresentazioni storiche e contemporanee del continente africano.

2013 - Guinness Africa - Shoeshine, cm / 2012 - The Team - Word on the Street - Who Killed Me - Theatre of the Mind / 2011 - Life in a Day / 2010 - MataDanZe - Hiari Orphanage - The Maple Lie / 2009 - My Broken Umbrella.

Source: Verona 2013


3 files


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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