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Abdou Khadir Ndiaye

Abdou Khadir Ndiaye
© DR
Film director, Actor, Screenwriter
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Senegalese film director.
Born in Pikine, Senegal in 1988, he began training in film in 2008 and gained experience as a trainee assistant director on the feature film Tey by Alain Gomis (which screened in Competition at the Berlinale in 2012) and on the feature film DES ÉTOILES (UNDER THE STARRY SKY) by Dyana Gaye. In 2014, Abdou Khadir NDIAYE is assistant director on the short TERREMÈRE by Aliou Sow. Through his experience and his active membership at Ciné Banlieue, association based in Parcelles Assainies (Dakar' suburbs), he is in 2014, second assistant director on the shorts directed during the "Up court-métrage" training program. In 2015, he became assistant director on th TV series "C'est la vie". Assistant director on LA PROMESSE short by Fatou Touré, he is second assistant director on YAADIKONNE by Marc Picavez and FÉLICITÉ by Alain GOMIS. He has participated in various screenwriting and directing workshops including at the Goethe Institut and the Brazilian Embassy, both in Dakar, Senegal. Produced in 2016 and released in 2017, Xalé Bu Rérr (Lost Child) is his first short film.
XALE BU RERR World Premiered at Berlinale 2017 (section Generation Kplus), then awarded both Best short narrative Prize and CINIT Prize (Italian Filmmakers Association Award) at 27th Festival du Cinéma Africain, d'Asie et d'Amérique Latine (Milano, 20-26 March 2017).

2017 - Xalé Bu Rérr (Lost Child) directed by Abdou Khadir Ndiaye; short film / director
2016 - Félicité dir. by Alain Gomis; feature / second assistant-director.
2016 - La Boxeuse dir. by Iman Djionne; short / actor
2016 - YAADIKONNE dir. by Marc Picavez; short / second assistant-director
2016 - La Promesse dir. by Fatou Touré; short / assistant-director.
2015 - "C'est la vie" / dir. by Moussa Sène Absa & Fabacary Coly; TV series; assistant director
2014 - short films of the program "Up court-métrage" / second assistant-director.
2014 - Terremère dir. by Aliou Sow; short / assistant director.
2013 - Des étoiles dir. by Dyana Gaye; feature / trainee assistant director.
2012 - Tey / Aujourd'hui dir. by Alain Gomis; feature / trainee assistant director.

updated on 8/08/2017, by Thierno I. Dia


Geboren 1988 in Pikine, Senegal. Seit 2008 Filmausbildung. Erste Erfahrung im Bereich Regieassistenz sammelte er als Praktikant bei der Produktion von Alain Gomis' Tey, der 2012 im Wettbewerb der Berlinale lief. Teilnahme an diversen Drehbuch- und Regieworkshops unter anderem am Goethe-Institut und an der Brasilianischen Botschaft in Dakar. Tätigkeit als Regieassistent bei diversen Produktionen. Xalé Bu Rérr ist sein erster Kurzfilm.

2016 Xalé Bu Rérr (Lost Child); Kurzfilm



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