SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Penguin Films

© Penguin Films
Genre : Production, Associate production
Status : Private company
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
116 New Church Street Tamboers Kloof P.O.BOX 21716 Kloofstreet
8001 Cape Town
South Africa
Tel. : +27 21 422 4466
Fax : +27 21 423 0144
Contact by email

Penguin Films is one of the premier film and television production companies in South Africa and is well known for its successful long form drama and comedy. The popular sitcom, Sgudi Snaysi was one of Penguin Films' first major productions in 1986 and was still on air in 2011 after multiple seasons were produced. Thereafter Penguin Films produced Going Up which had a multi-lingual cast and managed to break through the racial barriers of the period resonating with all South Africans because of the series' hilarious comedy.
Since then, Penguin Films has gone on to produce various sitcoms, drama series, documentaries and feature films. Penguin Films has also specialised in democracy education, developing innovative educational series such as Khululeka, Future Imperfect and Constitutional Talk.
Penguin Films is synonymous with producing quality, award winning content that centres on South Africans and our diverse culture. Their award winning comedies include Sgudi Snaysi and Going Up (multiple Artes award winners) Stokvel (International Emmy Nominee and multiple SAFTA Award Winner) and Madam and Eve (Golden Rose Award Winner). Their long form drama includes, Home Affairs (International Emmy Nominee), Sokhulu and Partners (Multiple SAFTA Award Winner and International Emmy Nominee) Montana and many others.
Broadcasters continually engage with Penguin Films because of our reputation to deliver programmes that emulate class and excellence.


Roberta Durrant
* Executive Producer and Director

Joe Mafela
* Co-Producer

Uwe Jänsch S.A.S.C
* Director of Photography

Kaye Ann Williams
* Creative Producer

Sphumelele Sibeko
* Creative Producer

Candice Johannes
* Junior Creative Producer


1 files


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

With the support of