SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


Rua de Goa, Mercado da Mafalala, Bairro da Mafalala
Tel. : +258 82 41 80 314 | +258 84 88 46 825
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The IVERCA Association | Tourism, Culture and Environment is a guild led by young students and professionals in tourism, which aims to promote and develop the Tourism, Culture and Environment in Mafalala.

This group imbued with a selfless spirit of volunteerism and the constant search for solutions to the problems that their particular class and youth in general face, punctuated by following the path of associations as a way to contribute to the development of the country.
Having its genesis in the associative movement Academic School of Economics and Management, through its Center for Students of Tourism, whose founding members were part and contributed greatly to its activities.

Iverca is composed of 31 young people.

It has its headquarters in Maputo and the primary purpose of:
- Contribute to improving training and technical updating of tourism;
-Promoting awareness of the importance in all areas, tourism and environment;
- Study and disseminate matters of interest to tourism and environment;
- Cooperate and dialogue with public and private entities on legislative or other measures that relate to tourism and environment;
- Promote Mozambican culture and art and encourage their production.

Activities that develop, relates directly to the community, taking the portfolio following projects:
- Mafalala Tourism (community tourism in historical and cultural aspects of tourism and suburban, exploring promotional activities and tourist activities);
- Mafalala Festival (shows diverse cultural community: food, crafts, traditional dance, music, poetry and street theater);
- Sensitization in primary and secondary in relation to the environment and practical work of solid waste collection in certain areas of Maputo;
- Lectures in universities;
- Organizing cultural evenings in schools.


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  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

With the support of