SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Focus Features International

Fourth Floor, Oxford House 76 Oxford Street
W1D 1BS London
United Kingdom
Tel. : +44 (0)207 307 5591 | +1 818.777.7373
Contact by email


Focus Features, part of NBC Universal, is a singular global company dedicated to producing, acquiring, financing, selling, and distributing original and daring films from emerging and established filmmakers - films that challenge mainstream moviegoers to embrace and enjoy voices and visions from around the world. The company operates as Focus Features domestically, and as Focus Features International overseas.

Welcome to FilmInFocus, the website for grown-up movie lovers. Rather than devote our resources to the usual film marketing sites for our movies (though you'll get lots of great Focus film-specific content here, don't worry!), we decided to create a place that expresses our joy in movies, our admiration for great filmmaking, and our insatiable curiosity about film and the discussions that truly challenging films engender, wherever they may come from. Please feel free to join the discussion whenever and however you wish; as you can see from the enormous wealth of content and resources we've created and brought together here, we're excited by the diversity of opinions and interests that makes movie culture so vibrant. And please be assured that if you do join us, your thoughts (yes, even critical ones) will be respected: civility, and genuine dialogue, will have pride of place, so please feel confident that if you want to participate in real, grown-up discussion about anything film-related here, you'll be more than welcome. In the meantime, it's a pleasure to introduce the people and ideas of FilmInFocus to you. Enjoy!

Focus Features (www.focusfeatures.com) is a motion picture production, financing, and worldwide distribution company committed to bringing moviegoers the most original stories from the world's most innovative filmmakers.

Focus Features releases include David Cronenberg's Eastern Promises, which won the top prize [the People's Choice Award] at the 2007 Toronto International Film Festival; Terry George's Reservation Road, starring Joaquin Phoenix, Mark Ruffalo, Jennifer Connelly, and Mira Sorvino; Joe Wright's Atonement, starring James McAvoy, Keira Knightley, and Romola Garai; Shane Acker's animated fantasy epic 9, starring Elijah Wood and Jennifer Connelly; Henry Selick's stop-motion animated feature Coraline, starring Dakota Fanning and Teri Hatcher; Martin McDonagh's In Bruges, starring Colin Farrell, Brendan Gleeson, and Ralph Fiennes; Bharat Nalluri's Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, starring Frances McDormand and Amy Adams; Cary Fukunaga's immigrant thriller Sin Nombre; Joel and Ethan Coen's Burn After Reading, starring George Clooney, John Malkovich, Frances McDormand, and Brad Pitt; and Ang Lee's Lust, Caution, winner of the Best Picture [Golden Lion] Award at the 2007 Venice International Film Festival.

Focus Features is part of NBC Universal, one of the world's leading media and entertainment companies in the development, production, and marketing of entertainment, news, and information to a global audience. Formed in May 2004 through the combining of NBC and Vivendi Universal Entertainment, NBC Universal owns and operates a valuable portfolio of news and entertainment networks, a premier motion picture company, significant television production operations, a leading television stations group, and world-renowned theme parks. NBC Universal is 80% owned by General Electric and 20% owned by Vivendi.


Due to the large amount of feedback we receive each day, we are unable to reply to all emails. To insure your request is addressed promptly, please carefully review the contact instructions below. If you do not see the appropriate contact information, please email info@focusfeatures.com. We will contact you ONLY if we can accommodate your request.

Neither FilmInFocus nor Focus Features accept unsolicited screenplays, movie treatments, reels, or any other acquisition related materials. Please do not submit such inquiries as they will be deleted and ignored.

The contacts below are for the FilmInFocus website only. These contacts do not represent Focus Features and can not address marketing, publicity or distribution requests.

Shannon Rednour, General Manager
Peter Bowen, Editorial Director
Cancel Membership

The above contacts do not handle employment requests. To apply for jobs at Focus Features, please visit www.nbcunicareers.com.

Please visit www.FocusFeaturesPress.com for instructions on how to register with our press site. Each applicant is researched and must be an accredited member of the press. Your request will be denied if you are not a working entertainment journalist or an employee of an accredited media outlet.

If you are interested in licensing stills or video clips from any of Focus Features' films, please do not send licensing requests to any of the email addresses above or your request will be ignored. Any requests for clip and still licenses should be submitted through the website http://UniversalClips.com. Please fill out the online form and you will get a response from someone in the studio licensing department.

If you are interested in licensing a piece of original music from one of our films, please send a request with the following information to musiclicensing@focusfeatures.com. This is for licensing requests only. We won't accept music, and we cannot answer questions about placing music in our films.

Title of song/cue
Film it is from
Description of the project you would like to use the music in
Description of scene you would like to use the music in
Length of music use (e.g. 30 seconds)
Media is would be used in (e.g. all media, cable tv, online, etc)
Term of use (e.g. one month, one year, January 2012-March, 20104, etc)
Territory of use (e.g. world, US only, Japan, etc)
Your contact information, email address or fax number

Africa First
The Africa First short film program is sponsored by Focus Features, and for the past two years has awarded five emerging African filmmakers a grant towards pre-production, production, or post-production of their short film. Read more about the Africa First short film program here.

c/o Focus Features, 65 Bleecker Street, 3rd Floor,
New York, NY 10012
email: africafirst@focusfeatures.com

The Los Angeles and New York offices of Focus Features offer unpaid Internships for college-credit only. Candidates may apply for positions within the Distribution, Publicity, Marketing, Post Production, Development and IT Services Departments. Click here to learn more

Submit Applications to
NY.Internships@focusfeatures.com (New York Office)
Peter Bowen, Editorial Director
LA.Internships@focusfeatures.com (Los Angeles Office)
All requests should be made through our PRESS SITE. (See details above.)

For DOMESTIC / US Theatrical Film rental inquiries such as film fetivals, theatre bookings, etc, please contact DomesticDistribution@focusfeatures.com.

For theatrical film rental and screening requests in CANADA, please contact Darlene.Hotton@Alliancefilms.com.

100 Universal City Plaza
Universal City, CA 91608
Tél: +1 818.777.7373

65 Bleecker Street
3rd Floor
New York, NY 10012
Tél: +1 212.539.4000

Focus Features International
Fourth Floor, Oxford House
76 Oxford Street
United Kingdom


4 files


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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