SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


Genre : Cultural operator, Prevention/awareness
Status : Not-for-profit company
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Mme Nezha DRISSI Directrice 72 Quai de Jemmapes
75010 PARIS
Tel. : +212 70 14 33 69
Contact by email

The Cultural and Educational Association by Broadcasting

A.C.E.A (L'Association de Culture et d'Education par l'Audiovisuel)

Built in August 2007, the goal of the association, except any commercial, political nor religious one, is to:

* Organize and manage any event and/or cultural festival, meetings and shows, and in a general way, any activity related to audiovisual and communication whatever support known or not at this time;

* Produce, manage and carry of any public screening ;

* Conceive, organize, supervise and manage training courses, workshops with educational and cultural purpose, connected notably to the writing of the image and to the sense of the image;

* Produce or coproduce any film, short films and full-length films, as well as any media document bound to their promotion, and to the valuation of the writing of the image;

* Organize public debates around social subjects notably;

* Value the work of writing with the professionals of the broadcasting, the general public and the young public;

* Generally speaking, lead any action and proceed to any natural operation to be helped directly or indirectly in the realization of the object of the association above defined.


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

With the support of