SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Forum Social Mondial 2011

Genre : Cultural projects
Contact details Kamal Lahbib
Principal country concerned : Column : History/society
Release/publication date : February 2011
Published on : 03/11/2010
Source : Arterial Network
Contact by email

Follow the mobilization of thematic forums that are building the
centralized edition in Dakar (Senegal). The registration of the event, to be held on Febuary 6th-11th 2011, will be opened soon. Organize your activities!

Event: Right to Food and Food Sovereignty Forum
Location: Niamei (Niger)
Date:October 16th-18th
Contacts: A.T. Moussa Tchangari - tchangari@yahoo.fr / tchangari@gmail.com
Ibrahim Diori - ibdiori@yahoo.fr

Event: Forum for Health, Environment and Land towards a collective action
Location:Cairo (Egypt)
Date:October 23rd-25th
Contacts: Egyptian Health for all Foundation - T/F: 20 2 22682278 heforum@gmail.com

Event: World Education Forum in Palestine
Location: Haifa, Ramallah, Jerusalem, Gaza and Lebanon
Date: October 28-31
Contact info: Marjon Goetinck - marjon@wef-palestine.org
Website: http://wef-palestine.org

Event: Nigeria Social Forum
Local: Benin City
Data: November 2nd-5th
Contact: John Patrick Ngoyi - jpngoyi2004@yahoo.co.uk

Event: Human Rights Forum in Mauritania
Date: November 5th-7th
Location: Nuaquechote (Mauritânia)
Contacts: Kamal Lahbib - lahbib_2006@menara.ma / Hamouda Soubhi - hsoubhi@alternatives.ca / Mohamed Ghatas - fmas@menara.ma

Event: V Pan-Amazon Social Forum
Location: Santarém, Brazil
Date: November 25th-29th
Contact: contato@forumsocialpanamazonico.org
Website: www.forumsocialpanamazonico.org

Event: Thematic World Education Forum on Education, Research and Culture of Peace
Location: Santiago de Compostela (Galicia)
Data: December 10th-13th
Contact: T: 981 554 053 / 981 561 956 / paz@sgep.org

Event: Forum on Immigration in Brussels
Date: December 17-19


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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