SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Sad Song of Touha

  • Sad Song of Touha
Genre : Social
Type : Documentary
Original title : Ogniet Touha El Hazinah
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1971
Format : Short
Running time : 12 (in minutes)

In many ways the sister film to HORSE OF MUD, El Abnoudy's second film is a fascinating portrait of Cairo's street performers.
In a typically unobtrusive manner, the filmmaker has successfully captured the essence and unique quality of this subculture unified as much by their talents as their marginal social stature. Through the haunting images of tiny child contortionists and seasoned fire-eaters this tightly knit community and its secrets unfold with the cinematic qualities of a dream. It is clear that SAD SONG OF TOUHA is an homage to the artistry, showmanship and wonder of Cairo's streets.

1971, Egypt, Documentary, 12mins, Black & White

Dir.: Atteyat al Abnoudi
Her promotional film made at the Cairo Institute of Film.

Video includes two other shorts: Horse of Mud and The Sandwich.

Short Film

Ateyyat El Abnoudy


12 minutes

Arabic with English Subtitles

Rental Information
This film is available from AFD on 16mm and video for public screenings and television broadcast. For information regarding rental rates and formats, please contact institutions@arabfilm.com for institutional/non-theatrical screenings, or festivals@arabfilm.com for theatrical, festival, television, or other bookings.

Winner: French Critics Prize, Grenoble - 1973


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

With the support of