SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Prisoner of the sun

Genre : Social
Type : Docu-drama
Original title : Jean Mariotti, prisoner of the sun
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2009
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 52 (in minutes)

Documentary-fiction 50 mn

Gilles DAGNEAU is a director whom we don't present any more to have signed numerous quality films about the territory such as: "Tiano, la parole déchirée", " Tjibaou le pardon", "Le gendarme citron" …
With "Jean Mariotti, prisoner of the sun", the director esteems to sign his last film about the New Caledonian ground and doubtless the most ambitious.

The story :
Son of Pierre Louis Mariotti, condemned for the penal colony for the murder of his uncle, Jean increases in bush and undergoes the double influence of the European and oceanian cultures. At the age of 24, he leaves New Caledonia, settles down in Paris and becomes writer. His narratives draw from his knowledge of the reformatory, its memories of the woman Kanak who adopted him in the birth. He'll return on the island after 23 years of absence but reunion will not be as high as his nostalgia. Two other works will arise from this disappointment. Jean Mariotti works then for the ORTF. He rests in the cemetery of the father Lachaise today.

The intention of the author :
The documentary-fiction suggests finding the character, in 1958, on returning to Paris after its stay of three years on the island. Of this stay he brings back notes to finish the cycle of his "conte de Poindi" and the certainty that his place is in Paris, definitively. The report is just, bitter and painful. Because he lives at the bottom of himself, " prisoner of the sun ". In court of an interview in parisian coffee, he confides, returns on his work, evokes his childhood, speaks about reports between the " Kanaks and the colonists ", about his glance of child on this small colonial society made by former convicts which tries to reconstruct, of its adoption by a woman Kanak who deluded him with traditional narratives reinterpreted under his feather.

Wings of the shooting :
Of advantage film of fiction which documentary, this project in the particularly well written scenario, returns on the still present tracks of the character. Actually, the shooting takes place largely in the regions of Farino, Sarraméa and La Foa where Jean Mariotti has grows.The leading part of Mariotti at the end of its life is interpreted by Jean BOISSERY. In New Caledonia, we shall go to meet Jean-Pierre LORIT narrator of the film. For the needs of the project, 8 local technicians were hired, as well as about fifteen roles and around thirty extras. The province the South participated financially in the success of the film and the Reception of shootings of the south province brought its technical and logistic throughout the implementation of the project. The shooting took place from 7 till 18 September 2009.


1 files


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

With the support of