SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


Genre : Social
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : History/society
Year of production : 1991
Format : Short
Running time : 24 (in minutes)

Feast, a Pilgrimage, a Souk, the Moussem is the most popular and the most regular Moroccan event. Each town, each region has its "own" moussem. The one of Moulay Abdallah is the most renowned for its Fantasia. It gathers every year around one thousand horses and their magnificents horsemen. Through successive waves the troops unfurl up to the official platforms, shooting all together the honour "baroud". Toufik Naomi, 22 years old, one of the more impassionated and gifted riders, will win once again that coveted victory.
Fiche format Pdf.

Durée et supports: 24 minutes, BETA Numérique, BETA SP, VHS Pal, Secam, NTSC.
Version originale française, version anglaise (voice over)

Auteur/ Réalisatrice : Izza Génini
Interprète: Toufik NAOMI.
Image: Paolo FERRARI.
Son: Alain GARNIER, Guillaume GENINI.
Production : OHRA avec CANAL PLUS


2 files


1 files


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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