This is the story of Mbambu, a 16-year-old girl from the village of Kilembe, at the foot of the Rwenzori Mountains in Uganda, who wants to be the first in her family to complete secondary school. Mbambu is also a member of the local amateur drama group, which uses theatre performance and art to educate people in the region on current social and political issues. Mbambu comes from a poor farming family who cannot afford her school fees, so she decides to earn money for school by becoming a guide for tourist trekking in the Rwenzori Mountains, a profession generally reserved for men. Through following Mbambu's experiences, we see that her determination is paving the way for future girls in her community to aspire to new levels of education and new professions, without turning her back on traditional values.
Natasa Muntean & Lucian Muntean · Uganda 2011 · 50m · Mini DV · Lhukonzo with English subtitles · U · Documentary