SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Mama Put

  • Mama Put
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2006
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 30 (in minutes)

A single mother struggles to support her family using her exceptional cooking skills but finds that her food causes more problems than it solves. When a gang of local robbers takes great interest in her dishes, she enters a more complex struggle.

The power of food to transform, rescue and wreak revenge is eloquently demonstrated in this Nigerian film. A single woman, who makes and sells street food, is struggling to bring up her family. Rent and school fees are months in arrears, and her young son desperately needs kidney treatment. Just when it seems things can get no worse, a gang of armed youths break in to the house. They demand food and threaten to kill the family if the meal is not tasty. The food is delicious, and the gang, mollified, leaves. They return regularly, giving the family money and household items in return for the woman's delicious cooking. But when a robbery goes wrong, they kill the young boy's kidney specialist, and the cozy relationship gives way to a dangerous atmosphere. The mother decides that the gang must go, and prepares a meal to send them on their way.

Dir: Seke Somolu, Nigeria, 2006, 30mins.

produced by Femi ODUGBEMI

2008 | 15th New York African Film Festival | NEW YORK, Usa | APRIL 9th to MAY 26th | www.africanfilmny.org |
> Selection


4 files


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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