SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Looking for Oum Kulthum

Genre : Musical
Type : Biopic
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2017
Format : Feature
Running time : 90 (in minutes)

Mitra is an ambitious artist in her forties who embarks on her dream project of making a film about the legendary Egyptian singer and diva Oum Kulthum. Her film explores the struggles, sacrifices and the price of Oum Kulthum's success as a female artist in a male-dominated society. However, having left her family behind for her career and striving to capture the essence of Oum Kulthum as a myth, a woman and an artist, Mitra's own struggles blend with those of the singer and she finds herself headed for an emotional and artistic breakdown.

A film by Shirin Neshat

Germany / Austria / Italy / Lebanon / Qatar, 2017, Fiction, 90', color, DCP

starring Neda Rahmanian, Yamin Raeis, Mehdi Moinzadeh, Kais Nashif, Najia Skalli, Nour Kamar

direction: Shoja Azari, Shirin Neshat
screenplay: Shoja Azari, Shirin Neshat
cinematography: Martin Gschlacht
editing: Nadia Ben Rachid

Neda Rahmanian [Mitra],
Yamin Raeis [Ghada]
Mehdi Moinzadeh [Amir],
Kais Nashif [Ahmed / Latif]
Najia Skalli [Oum Kulthum, old],
Nour Kamar [Oum Kulthum, young]

Gerhard Meixner, Roman Paul, Bruno Wagner
Martin Gschlacht, Antonin Svoboda, Shirin Neshat
Shoja Azari, Beatrice Bordone Bulgari, Marta Donzelli
Gregorio Paonessa, Georges Schoucair

Razor Film Produktion,
In Between Art Film,
Vivo Film,
Schortcut Films

world sales
The Match Factory

international press
Manlin Sterner
ph. +33 6 63763113
Charles McDonald
mob: +44 7785246377

2017 | 14th Giornate degli autori - Venice Days / 74ème Mostra de Venice, Italy
* World premiere / Anteprima mondiale



Mitra, un'artista ambiziosa, madre e moglie quarantenne, s'imbarca nel sogno di una vita: fare un film sulla sua eroina, la leggendaria cantante del mondo arabo Oum Kulthum. Il suo obiettivo è esplorare le lotte, i sacrifici e il prezzo del successo pagato da un'artista donna che ha vissuto in una società conservatrice e dominata da uomini. Durante le riprese del film, tuttavia, l'improvvisa scomparsa di suo figlio adolescente e la crescente difficoltà nel catturare l'essenza di Oum Kulthum come donna, come artista, come mito, portano Mitra a una profonda crisi emotiva e artistica.

di Shirin Neshat

Germania, Austria, Italia, Libano, Qatar, 2017, 90', colore, DCP

sceneggiatura: Shoja Azari, Shirin Neshat
fotografia: Martin Gschlacht
montaggio: Nadia Ben Rachid

Neda Rahmanian [Mitra],
Yamin Raeis [Ghada]
Mehdi Moinzadeh [Amir],
Kais Nashif [Ahmed / Latif]
Najia Skalli [Oum Kulthum, anziana],
Nour Kamar [Oum Kulthum, giovane]

Gerhard Meixner, Roman Paul, Bruno Wagner
Martin Gschlacht, Antonin Svoboda, Shirin Neshat
Shoja Azari, Beatrice Bordone Bulgari, Marta Donzelli
Gregorio Paonessa, Georges Schoucair

Razor Film Produktion, Coop99
In Between Art Film, Vivo Film, Schortcut Films

vendite internazionali:
The Match Factory

ufficio stampa
Olivia Alighiero
mob. +39 335 6303795

2017 | 14th Giornate degli autori - Venice Days / 74ème Mostra de Venezzia, Italia
* World premiere / Anteprima mondiale


1 files


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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