SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Les Vacances de l'Inspecteur Tahar

  • Les Vacances de l'Inspecteur Tahar
Genre : Comedy
Type : Fiction
Original title : عطلة المفتش الطاه
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1972
Format : Feature
Running time : 110 (in minutes)

'The Adventures of Inspector Tahar' was a classic series of Algerian comedies directed by Moussa Haddad in the late 1960s and'70s. The films featured a comic pair of detectives - a hilarious and dynamic duo played by popular actor Haji Abdul Rahman and Yahya Ben Mabrouk. Haddad (whose latest drama, Harraga Blues, screens in this year's Narrative Feature Competition [...]) revealed his lighthearted side with this installment from the series. Inspector Tahar's Holiday follows the comedic misadventures of the man of action and his assistant, known as The Apprentice who find themselves in the midst of an investigation during a trip overseas. Mama Traki, a Tunisian lady, invites Inspector Tahar and his sidekick to spend their holiday in Tunisia and they board a cruise ship, where soon a mysterious crime is committed. As they arrive at their destination in Tunisia, a strange chain of events occur that may allow them to finally solve the case. Inspector Tahar's Holiday allows audiences of today to revisit a classic of Arab comedy on the big screen, and get to know an icon: Abdul Rahman was a very important cultural figure in Algeria, the likes of which have not been seen since his death in 1981 at the age of 41. - Suad Shamma (Abu Dhabi Film Festival 2012) www.abudhabifilmfestival.ae/en/archive/2012/films?f=10690 Algeria | 1972 | 110 min. | Colour | BETACAM | Arabic, English, French/English Director: Moussa Haddad Screenwriter: Hadj Abderrahmane Cinematographer: Rachid Merabtine Editor: Rachid Benallal Music: Ahmed Malek Production Company: Office National pour le Commerce et l'Industrie Cinématographique (Algérie) Cast: Hadj Abderrahmane, Yahia Benmabrouk, Zohra Faïza, Hattab Ben Ali, Nadia Akkache, Hassan El Hassani, Sissani Mahmoud, Aziz Ben Khabchach, Salah El Mehdi


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  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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