SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Kissing you on the honey

Genre : Animation
Type : Animation
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2021
Format : Short
Running time : 14 (in minutes)

Siwam and Rawad live in the war-torn country of Syria. Despite the chaos, they have decided to continue to communicate through videos. By discovering their films, it is their meeting, their world and their intimacy that we will discover.

Production: Khalil Cherti, Emmanuel Wahl
Screenplay: Khalil Cherti
Image : Jean-Eudes Auboin
Editing: Khalil Cherti, Isabel Lorente
Sound: Gaspard Audry, Samuel Rouillard, Erwan Cossic
Performer(s): Reem Ali, Georges Daaboul
Set design : Mathieu Henriot
Version: VOSTF

Film by Khalil Cherti selected for Cinemed 2021


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

With the support of