Looking for stones in the vastness of the Moroccan desert may seem absurd. Unless they're sky stones, with the power to transform the lives of those who find them. Mohamed - the nomad - and Abderrahmane - the scientist - comb through the arid lands looking for meteorites, each with its own powers.
A film by Adnane Baraka from JPL Productions on Vimeo.
Auteur-Réalisateur :
Adnane Baraka
Image :
Adnane Baraka
Son :
Sara Kaddouri, Lama Sawaya, Adnane Baraka
Montage :
Karine Germain, Adnane Baraka
Mixage :
Lama Sawaya
Producteur :
Adnane Baraka, Jean-Pierre Lagrange
Producteur délégué :
JPL Productions
Coproducteur :
Alpha Ursae Minoris Productions
Participation :
Ayant-droit :
Alpha Ursae Minoris Productions, JPL Productions
Film by Adnane Baraka selected for the Etats généraux du film documentaire de Lussas 2022