SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Feast, tribute to William Burroughs

  • Festin, hommage à William Burroughs
Type : Film essay
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2002
Format : Short
Running time : 8 (in minutes)

How can you get out of the trap ? How can you fight that monster of need, that makes you lose all human form, that monkey that eats out the back of your neck and makes you dependent, a prisoner of consumption, a slave of the artificial paradise? All those questions can be extracted from the works of William Burroughs, who was a drug addict until age forty-five, when he finally escaped from the horrors of addiction. In his foreword to "Naked Lunch", Gérard-Georges Lemaire writes of him : "...he was wildly interested in techniques of control in the broadest sense, from the Mayan codex, that he discovered when he arrived in Mexico, down to the manipulations operated by the mass media, the CIA or various American sects. William Burroughs is the indefatigable champion of free will and of the "infrailty" of the human being, who is submitted to coercive systems of all kinds, some totalitarian, others more subtle, more sophisticated too, which take possession of the human being through pernicious and intimate ways - desire, for instance.

2002 - France - 8 min


1 files


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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