SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Far from Fidel

  • Loin de Fidel : les écoles du capitalisme
Genre : Political
Type : Documentary
Original title : Loin de Fidel, les écoles du capitalisme
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2005
Format : Feature
Running time : 82 (in minutes)

Hardly 180 km from the American coasts, Cuba still proudly displays its ideological differences. But 40 years of revolutionary vigilance, blockade and official statements wars haven't worn down the close and ambiguous links between the island and its powerful neighbour. The United States, central object of the resentment of the Cubans, also remains the principal source of fascination.

France - 2005

A documentary directed by Yves Billon.

R/D : Yves BILLON - Sc : Yves Billon - Ph/C : Cesar Salazar - M/Ed : Alberto Yaccelini - P : Zarafa films - 82'- Beta - Doc - Coul/Col Contact : Zarafa films

Duration: 52 min
Co-production: AMIP, Zarafa Films
Languages: EN / ES / FR.
Broadcast format: Digital Betacam


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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