SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Etoile d'Alger (L')

  • Etoile d'Alger (L')
Type : Fiction
Original title : Stella di Algeri (La) [Italian title] | Nejma el Djazair [Original title]
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2016
Format : Feature
Running time : 102 (in minutes)

Moussa, a young musician, dreams of becoming the Michael Jackson of Algerian music, But in the Algeria of the 1990s, chaos reigns and Moussa lives with his large family of 14 people in 3 rooms. Threatened by the Muslim fundamentalists who were squatting in the neighbourhood in search of proselytes, always ready to rebuke and threaten, brandishing the verses of the Quran. Moussa tries to pursue his dream…

A film by Rachid Benhadj

Algeria - 2016, Fiction, 1h 42min | Crime, Drama, Music

starring Chérif Azrou, Sofia Nouacer, Abdelbaset Benkhalfa, Hacene Karkeche, Arslane Lerari, Zahir Bouzerar

Direction: Rachid Benhadj
Screenplay: Rachid Benhadj e Aziz Chouaki
Camera: Shemch Eddine Touzene
Editing: Leila Artese
Sound: Mohammad Ziouani

Cast: Chérif Azrou, Sofia Nouacer, Abdelbaset Benkhalfa, Hacene Karkeche, Arslane Lerari, Zahir Bouzerar

Time: 102′
Original Version: Arabic
Production: Agence Algérienne pour el Rayonnement Culturel (AARC) and Nour films

Awards: Festival du cinéma méditerranéen d'Alexandrie 2016 (Migliore Opera Artistica), Cinemed 2016 (Prix Jeune Public)

Sales: Nour films / rabenhadj@gmail.com

2017 | Festival du Cinéma Africain, d'Asie et d'Amérique Latine de Milan (FCAAAL 2017), Italy
* Prima italiana/Italian Première
* Selection - Flash


موسى الفنان الذي يحلم بأن يكون " مايكل جاكسون الجزائري, معتمدا على كل ما يملك من مهارات و طاقة, يستنزفهما أملا في أن تتفق موهبته الفنية, بدءا بقيامه بحفلات الأعراس إلى أن ينتقل إلى نوادي فنية
النجم الجزائري كان هو " موسى الفنان " و لكن ينصدم بتعاليم دينه الاسلامي الذي يمنعه من الغناء



Moussa, giovane musicista, sogna di diventare il Michael Jackson della canzone algerina. Ma nell'Algeria degli anni'90 regna il caos e Moussa vive con la numerosa famiglia di 14 persone in 3 stanze. Minacciato dagli integralisti mussulmani che bivaccano nel quartiere a caccia di proseliti, sempre pronti a redarguire e minacciare brandendo i versetti coranici. Moussa cerca di perseguire il suo sogno…

Algeria - 2016, Fiction, 102′

Regia/Direction: Rachid Benhadj
Sceneggiatura/Screenplay: Rachid Benhadj e Aziz Chouaki
Fotografia/Camera: Shemch Eddine Touzene
Montaggio/Editing: Leila Artese
Suono/Sound: Mohammad Ziouani
Interpreti/Cast: Chérif Azrou, Sofia Nouacer, Abdelbaset Benkhalfa, Hacene Karkeche, Arslane Lerari, Zahir Bouzerar

Durata/Time: 102′
Versione Originale/Original Version: Arabo

Produzione/Production: Agence Algérienne pour el Rayonnement Culturel (AARC) e Nour films

Premi/Awards: Festival du cinéma méditerranéen d'Alexandrie 2016 (Migliore Opera Artistica), Cinemed 2016 (Prix Jeune Public)

Distribuzione/Sales: Nour films / rabenhadj@gmail.com

2017 | Festival du Cinéma Africain, d'Asie et d'Amérique Latine de Milan (FCAAAL 2017)
* Prima italiana/Italian Première
* Selection - Flash


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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