SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Escale fatale

  • Escale fatale
Genre : Drama
Type : TV series
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2018

A Nigerian refugee family, Abeni and his sons Isaiah and Oba, is rescued by Italian police after a shipwreck. Abeni's husband died on the crossing. All three are in Dublin in a centre for asylum seekers. Eight years later, their request has still not been granted. One morning, near the center, the police found the body of a teenage girl. In charge of the investigation, Jen goes back to work after a brief hospitalization. Supported by her colleague Niamh and flanked by Fitzer, an impulsive young policeman, she interrogates the residents of the center, suspicious, and Wayne, its director, more than evasive. Fitzer's suspicions are focused on Samir, an Algerian refugee, whom he handcuffs for no good reason. Jen discovers that Esme, the murdered girl, lived in the centre and that Flora, another young resident, has disappeared.

Summary for official catalogues

Enquêtant sur le meurtre d'une migrante à Dublin, une jeune inspectrice découvre un réseau de prostitution. Cette série policière sombre et haletante plonge dans une Irlande gangrenée par les trafics et le capitalisme sauvage.


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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