SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Déportés d'Haïti

Déportés d'Haïti
Genre : Historical
Type : Documentary
Original title : Déporté [Working title] | Déportés criminels en Haïti : État des lieux (Les) [Working title]
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2010

Every two weeks, about 50 haitian nationals are deported from the United States. Among those, 46% were legal residents who broke american laws. They were sentenced, 31% for possession or sale of narcotics, 3% for homicide, less than 2% for kidnapping, and completed their jail time in the USA. This trailer of a movie in the making documents deportees who had left Haiti when children or teenagers and who at some point of their new life in the United States broke the law. A deportation order they could no more overturn legally was added to their jail sentence.

At least, 5000 of them are currently living in Haiti. Being Haitian-Americans they sense a part of themselves has been amputated and in a lot of cases fail to truly reintegrate their native land.

- Directors: Rachèle Magloire, Chantal Regnault

Haïti / Documentary / 2010 / 25min / Video / Color /


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Déporté (trailer, version française), 2008



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  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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