SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Congo Business Case

  • Congo Business Case
Genre : Biography
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2013
Format : Feature
Running time : 81 (in minutes)

Disillusioned by his experience at the United Nations, Daniel Knoop quits his job as a development worker and starts up his own business. He believes Congo can turn into the granary of the African continent. The Congolese farmers receive Daniel as a savior because he is the first trader to arrive since the civil war ended. A year later, the project has failed miserably and Daniel leaves without a word, leaving the farmers to wonder what really happened.

Dir. Hans Bouma

The Netherlands, 2013, 81min.
French, Dutch & Lingala w/ English subtitles

Bouma Hans
van der Hell Annemiek

Sales Contact
de Korver Annelies
Tel. +3135 6722035
Email: annelies.de.korver@human.nl

Hans Bouma Cinematography
Bouma Hans hansbouma[at]mac[dot]com
Tel. +3120 3311311
Email: hansbouma@mac.com

Prices and Festivals:
World premiere at the Dutch Filmfestival 2013, competition ‘Best Long Documentary'
FIPA D'OR 2014 Grand Reportage et Investigation - FIPA Palmares Biarritz, France
Grand Prix du festival Film& Science Amsterdam 2014 - Institut Français
DOCVILLE 2014; Competition ‘Science & conscience' programme

Congo Business Case was broadcast by HUMAN on the 9th of december 2013 at Hollanddoc on ‘Nederland 2′


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

With the support of