SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

After the war, there is still war...

  • Après la guerre, c'est toujours la guerre…
Genre : War
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2008
Format : Feature
Running time : 82 (in minutes)

This travel diary, shot in Lebanon during and after the 33 days' war of summer 2006, is dedicated to the memory of Joseph Samaha, a Lebanese editorial writer. Travelling to Beirut with an international delegation for solidarity, the director joins his Lebanese journalist friends who are about to launch a new newspaper, Al Akhbar (The News) during the Israeli occupation of the country. After the ceasefire, he goes with them to the South for an enquiry into the cluster bombs that Israel dropped during the last days of the war. "After the war, there is still war..."

Documentaire - Couleur - 82'
Réalisation / Direction : Samir Abdallah
Son / Sound : Bashar Abu Saifan
Musique / Music : Mat2nio
Montage / Editing : Farah Fayed

Contact : L'YEUX OUVERTS (Nanterre, France)


1 files


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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