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A Speel of Fever

  • Fièvre (La) [Safia Benhaïm]
Genre : Experimental
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned :
Year of production : 2014
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 40 (in minutes)

One feverish night a girl meets the spirit of a woman returning from lengthy political exile. Together they travel across Morocco, searching for a home that disappeared and a forgotten childhood. Lost memories and the history of decolonisation and political conflict re-emerge in cinematic hallucinations, but then the past is overrun by a new wave of resistance, Morocco's Arab Spring.

Directed by Safia Benhaïm

Produced by Air Rytmo

Genres : Documentary, Experimental - Runtime : 40 min
Production year : 2014

Safia Benhaïm

Ouidad Benzarah (Little girl)

France, 2014, Documentary, 40 mins, Experimental

Director: Safia Benhaim
Producer: Arthur Gillette (Air Rytmo)
Sales : Air Rytmo
Print source: Air Rytmo
Scenario: Safia Benhaim
Cast: Ouidad Benzarah
Photography: Safia Benhaim
Editor: Mathias Bouffier
Sound design: Josefina Rodriguez, Mathieu Farnarier
Music: Arthur B. Gillette
Length: 40'
Film format: DCP

2015 | 44th International Film Festival Rotterdam 2015 (IFFR)
* Selection - Tiger Awards Competition for Short Films
* Winner of the Canon Tiger Awards for Short Films 2015 (with Things by Ben Rivers, and Greetings to the Ancestors by Ben Russell): €3.000 prize plus a professional digital video camera from Canon.
The jury for the Tiger Awards Competition for Short Films was comprised of British artist, filmmaker and two-time winner of this award Beatrice Gibson, Dutch programmer and curator Xander Karskens, and artistic director of Image Forum Festival Koyo Yamashita from Japan.
Jury commentary: La fievre was a worthy winner: "For its poetic and human use of images and sounds to engage with complex political histories. Its feverish pace and arresting cinematography. Its ominous, hallucinogenic soundtrack."
* Projection / Screening: Tiger Awards Competition for Short Films 6, LantarenVenster 1, Sun 25 Jan, 19:30
* Projection / Screening: Tiger Awards Competition for Short Films 6, LantarenVenster 2, Mon 26 Jan, 14:15
* Projection / Screening: Tiger Awards Competition for Short Films 6, Pathé 3, Fri 30 Jan, 12:30
* Europese première / Première Européenne / European Premiere
* www.iffr.com/professionals/films/la-fi-vre/
* www.iffr.com/en/news1415/winners-of-the-canon-tiger-awards-for-shorts-announced/



Op een koortsachtige nacht ontmoet een meisje de geest van een vrouw die thuiskomt na een lange periode van politiek ballingschap. Samen reizen de vluchteling en het meisje door Marokko, op zoek naar een verdwenen thuis en een vergeten kindertijd. Verloren herinneringen en de geschiedenis van dekolonisatie en politieke strijd komen terug in filmische hallucinaties. Maar dan wordt het verleden overspoeld door een nieuwe golf van verzet, de Arabische Lente van Marokko.

Frankrijk, 2014
Regisseur: Safia Benhaim
Producent: Arthur Gillette (Air Rytmo)
Sales: Air Rytmo
Print source: Air Rytmo
Scenario: Safia Benhaim
Cast: Ouidad Benzarah
Camera: Safia Benhaim
Editor: Mathias Bouffier
Sound Design: Josefina Rodriguez, Mathieu Farnarier
Muziek: Arthur B. Gillette
Lengte: 40'
Film formaat: DCP

* www.iffr.com/nl/films/la-fi-vre/


2 files


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

With the support of