SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

À Lucy (Maasai Connection)

  • À Lucy (Maasai Connection)
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1992
Format : Short
Running time : 9 (in minutes)

One night in the Maasai Mara, Kenya, a young warrior dreams of a woman, born in Africa three million years ago.  In his dream, she begs him to come and find her and bring her back to where she came from. The warrior and two of his companions will come to Paris. There, she is called Lucy. They will cross the city as one follows a trail. Signs and symbols will lead them to the museum where Lucy is exhibited. Then they will disappear with her to the land of Maasai, where the earth is striped and the sky is blue.

Mauritius, 1993, short film, fiction, 9'18''

Avec / With: Jocelin SASSIA, Akim WASI, Xavier BEAUVOIS, Wilson LAROI
Réalisateur / Film director: Radha-Rajen JAGANATHEN, Maki J. ALGEN
Production / Produceur: Margo Films (France), La Sept (France)
Scénario / Screenplay: Radha RAJEN JAGANATHEN
Image / Cinematography: Carlo VARINI
Montage / Editing: Anne-Marie L'HOTE
Son / Sound: Henri MAIKOFF
Musique / Music: Anthony HEQUET


Festival de Montréal, Canada
* Premier prix

Festival d'Amiens, France
* Premier prix

Festival de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
* Premier prix

Festival International du Court Métrage à Clermont-Ferrand
* Sélection


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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