SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

HUB Screening: Bi Kidude - As Old As My Tongue (2007)

© Bikidude
Genre : Cinema cycle | Kampala

Thursday 14 may 2015

Times : 00:00
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv, History/society, Intercultural/migrations

An intimate portrait of living legend Bi Kidude, probably the oldest singer on the world stage passed a way 2 years ago. Her home island of Zanzibar has long been a meeting point for black African and Arabic influence. The island's music is its most potent expression. 

Bi Kidude beguiles audiences wherever she travels but domestically she continually courts controversy, her behaviour challenging perceptions of the role of women in a Muslim society. 

As Old As My Tongue reveals the dramatic contrasts in the life of this iconic musician and features a classic soundtrack spanning one hundred years of Swahili music. 

press and reviews 

"A remarkable documentary that really unveils a genuine legend of world music. Bi Kidude is a phenomenon and As Old as My Tongue is a sympathetic and moving portrait." Simon Broughton, Songlines Magazine 

"impressive and engrossing…a funny, touching and revealing documentary " Charlie Gillett

Information / Venue

Time: 7.30 pm 

Entrance: Free

Kenneth Dale Drive - Kamwokya


1 files


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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