SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Zone Franche, World Music network

Genre : Website, Network, Cultural association
Status : Not-for-profit company
Principal country concerned : Column : Music, Internet, Media
21, rue du Borrégo
75020 Paris
Tel. : +33 (0)9 70 93 02 50

Zone Franche is a not-profit-organisation in compliance with French law, it represents the entire music sector, including live performances, the recording activities and the medias. It can count on close to 200 members, the majority located in France, but also in some 20 other countries. Zone Franche members adhere to the Charter of World Music whose core values are : to promote the world's rich cultural diversity and intangible cultural heritage to advance the free circulation of both artists and works of art to encourage North - South cooperation and insure fairness in international exchanges to support artistic creation to foster respect for audiences and reinforce the protection of cultural rights to further entrepreneurship which endorses social and solidarity-based economy In 2009, Zone Franche was also entrusted with a leadership role in the Comité Visas Artistes whose goal is to untangle situations involving issuing of visas.


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  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

With the support of