Rachelle Salnave is a talented filmmaker currently based in South Florida, whose focus for the past twenty years has been on the black experience in the world.
She was the first of a handful of filmmakers to document the gentrification of Harlem. She has also worked on the history of Haitians in Guantánamo and on macadamia nut plantations in Guatemala. Her work highlights Haitian identity and society. Rachelle Salnave was part of the first edition of the Sundance Institute's Screenwriters Intensive in Miami in 2015. Her second feature documentary, La Belle Vie: The Good Life, earned her an Emmy nomination in 2016. In 2017, the Knight Foundation named Rachelle Salnave a Knight Arts Champion for her film programming Ayiti Images and Black Lounge Films. Rachelle Salnave's goal is to change the narrative of Haiti and the Haitian diaspora by capturing the sights and sounds of this magical island.
Her current documentary film, Madame Pipi, is in post-production and she is in the process of producing her third feature documentary entitled Dual Citizen.