SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Martin Baer

  • Martin Baer
Film director, Screenwriter, Director of photography (d.o.p.)
Principal country concerned : Column : Theater, Cinema/tv

Martin Baer is a cinematographer, author and director. He has made numerous television features and documentaries and has also filmed many opera productions, concerts and stage plays. As an author, director and cinematographer his documentaries mainly focus on historical topics and on Africa (Free Africa!, Weiße Geister - The Colonial War Against the Herero). Additionally, Martin Baer is the author of several texts about Africa's history, including "Headhunting - Germans in East Africa".


Martin Baer ist Kameramann, Autor und Regisseur. Er hat zahlreiche Reportagen, Dokumentarfilme, Opern-, Konzertund Theateraufzeichnungen gedreht. Er hat Dokumentarfilme vor allem zu historischen Themen und über Afrika realisiert, unter anderem Befreien Sie Afrika! und Weiße Geister - der Kolonialkrieg gegen die Herero. Martin Baer ist Autor verschiedener Texte zur Geschichte Afrikas, unter anderem von ?Eine Kopfjagd - Deutsche in Ostafrika".


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