SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Marème Niang

Marème Niang
© Films Mame Yandé (Les), 2009
Principal country concerned : Column : Theater, Cinema/tv

Senegalese Actress.
She is the lead actress, as the magnificient Anta in TOUKI BOUKI (Djibril DIOP Mambéty, 1973). She stars in XALA (Sembène Ousmane, 1974) replying in Wolof to her father El Hadji Bèye who is speaking in French and in BAKS (Momar Thiam, 1974).. In GUELWAAR (Sembène, 1992) she is the prostitute at the burial of Guelwaar. She acts also in the docu-fiction DIAL-DIALI (main role) directed by Ousmane William MBAYE, 1992, 23 min). Marème Niang plays (again) the character of Anta in 2013 (MILLE SOLEILS, Mati Diop, 45mins, docu-fiction).


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Mille Soleils

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Touki Bouki | 1973 | Scene | Djibril Diop Mambéty | [...]

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TOUKI BOUKI (Le voyage de la hyène)



  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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