Tell us about yourself: Name, age, family...
Am 23, daughter of a single parent; Bretta Mutia (Mother, you are a goddess!)
What interested you about this movie?
The script was very unique and intriguing. I like a good story. You don't see movies about people getting stuck in a toilet everyday. When I heard about it, I knew I wanted to be part of it.
What are your experiences with film? (i.e. have you made a movie before; what is your favourite movie etc?)
Haven't made a movie before; this was the first. So far my favourite movie is Pearl Harbor. I'm just a hopeless romantic!
What are your qualifications in acting?
Stage plays mainly. In High school and at Phoenix Theatre.
How was it working with Bob?
He's very patient, gentle yet direct and firm. He did not make us feel pressured even when we messed up. He makes everyone feel comfortable and appreciated.
How was it working with the cast and crew?
It was an amazing experience. I got to meet very interesting people on the set. I learnt something new from them everyday.
How did you find the work schedule?
It was a bit tricky. Time was limited and we had to work long hours. After a while I just got used to it.
How has your life prepared you for this role?
Having gone through a few unexpected things in life has helped me to make the best of my situation. It helped me to settle into the role.
What did you learn from the character?
Not to go to the ladies room after a certain hour!
How do you define success for yourself?
To be exactly where I want to be.
What strengths and weaknesses did you discover while shooting?
That I am not a morning person. I could work just fine till late but the mornings were a big challenge.
Where do you see yourself going from here?
The sky is the limit
Personal comments?
To think that you can eat in a loo or drink from the cisterns is just repulsive. But let's face it - desperate times call for desperate measures. You'd probably have been reduced to that too!