SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Corinne Fleury

  • Corinne Fleury
© courtesy Visions d'Afrique
Writer, Publisher
Principal country concerned : Column : Literature

Mauritian writer and book editor.

Corinne FLEURY is an Publisher and Author.

Corinne Fleury is from Mauritius.
After completing her secondary studies in Mauritius, she pursued higher literary studies in France. She obtained a master's degree in literature, specialized in children's literature and continued her university career with a master's degree in publishing. After having worked in various publishing houses of general literature, art of living and children's literature, she established in Paris, with the illustrator Anthony Vallet, in 2010, a French-Mauritian publishing house, named L'Atelier des Nomades, specializing in publications on the Indian Ocean, at the rate of 6 to 8 per year.
Over the years, the house has developed a catalog devoted to the art of living and children's literature (tales) from the Indian Ocean.

Corinne Fleury is, in collaboration with Anthony Vallet, the author of several books and albums for young people, in particular "Le Comptoir des épices" in 2011, "Le dodo aux plumes d'or" in 2016 and, in 2021, "Grand- Mom".

She is also the author of a collection of poems, "Un fil si fin".

Source: Visions d'Afrique FilmFest 2022
Translated from French and updated by Thierno Dia


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  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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