SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Anisia Uzeyman

  • Anisia Uzeyman
© courtesy La Quinzaine
Film director, Theatre director, Actor, Playwright
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Rwandan French actress, playwright, stage director, and film director.

Anisia UZEYMAN (real name Anisziya UWIZEYIMANA) is an actress, playwright, stage director, and film director. She was born in 1975 in Gihindamuyaga Mbazi (Rwanda).
She was trained at the T.N.B. school in Rennes, France.
As an actress, she has worked for the theater with, among others, Françoise Lepoix ( L'entre-deux rêves by Pitagaba and Io (Tragédie) by Kossi Efoui), Xavier Durringer ( Surfers) and Sofie Kokaj.

On screen, Anisia starred in Emmanuel Finkiel & Florent-Emilio Siri's " Wasp's Nest" / "Nid de guêpes", Alain Gomis' TEY (2012) and Guetty Felin's AYITI, MON AMOUR (2016). Her experimental film DREAMSTATES premiered in 2016 and was shot entirely on Iphone.
She codirected the feature NEPTUNE FROST (2021) along with Saul Williams.
She has written and directed two texts for theater: Immaculate and HOW/Particle (at La Générale de Paris).

Short filmography

2021 : NEPTUNE FROST, feature
* Codirector (along with Saul Williams)

* Director

2016 : AYITI, MON AMOUR, by Guetty Felin
* Actress

2012 : Today (TEY) by Alain Gomis.
* Actress

2002 : " Wasp's Nest" / "Nid de guêpes", by Emmanuel Finkiel & Florent-Emilio Siri
* Actress

Source :


6 files


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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