SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Hadza bushmen from Tanzania

Genre : Album
Release date : Friday 25 april 2003
Column : Music

The Hadza bushmen from Tanzania are now less than 1000. As a consequence of poverty, government's attempts at compelling them to settle down, the rarefaction of game, and alcoholism, this nomadic tribe of hunters-gatherers whose life style date back to the stone age, is in danger of becoming extinct. These rare recordings with detailed liner notes, including the translation of the songs, make us discover this people, alas very fragile. One CD presents the music forms which punctuate the daytime tasks and the moments of rest in the shade of the bush trees, the other is devoted to nighttime music, linked with animist ceremonies (ngomas).


1 files


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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