SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Marcelo Bukin

Marcelo Bukin
Film director, Photographer, Producer, Video maker, Designer, Screenwriter
Principal country concerned : Column : Music, Theater, Cinema/tv, Fine arts, Photo, Dance, Fashion, Design

Marcelo Bukin, Director
Marcelo Bukin was born in 1973 in Buenos Aires, Argentina and he graduated in Film Direction from the Centre d'Estudis Cinematografics de Catalunya in Barcelona, Spain. Marcelo has travelled, explored and filmed the every-day lives of people of many cultures in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Latin America. After making various short films in Spain, he was the Production Manager of the film The Children of Nepal, which won the 2004 GOYA AWARD Best documentary short film (Spanish version of the Oscar). In 2003 he directed Children's Stories, a documentary film project in Peru and Guatemala, which won the AUDIENCE AWARD at the FICDH 1st International Human Rights Film Festival in Spain. In 2005/6 he directed Bread and other short documentaries about children working in inhuman conditions in Latin America. Marcelo is currently developing a documentary feature film about the socio-economical crisis of his home country, Argentina, meanwhile he directs and produces TV commercials and independent projects.

Global Humanitaria, Producer
Global Humanitaria is a non-profit, non-governmental organization aiming to improve the living conditions of the most disadvantaged people in Peru, Colombia, Guatemala, Bolivia, Nicaragua, India, Cambodia and Nepal. Our projects are implemented in these countries thanks to the people that are engaged in our sponsorship program. Actions are carried out into the fields of Education, Health Care, and Food Security. Children are the main beneficiaries of our projects. Global Humanitaria's goal is to protect children rights. They carry out sound and sustainable actions aiming to be the base for a better future amongst the youngest population in the areas where we work.

Lost Europe (2007/2008)
Titcaca's Mauris (2006)
Welcome to Poptun (2006)
Angels Fire (2006)
Lima's Streets (2006)
Bread (2006)
The Inherited Kingdom (2005)
Desire (Querer) (2005)
Lara's Barbershop (2004)
Children's Stories (2003-2005)
Lie (2002)


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

With the support of