SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Jorge Murteira

Jorge Murteira
Film director
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Jorge Murteira was born in Lisbon in 1966. He lived in Cape Verde, Luanda, Lisbon and Marvão, Alentejo, Portugal. He travelled through Africa and Asia, where he shot and photographed.

41 years old, with a degree in Social Anthropology and a post-graduation in African Studies, has been promoting docs for 6 years for the Commission for the Portuguese Discoveries.

He started as director assistant in 1987 and since 2000 produces and directs institutional docs and videos for exhibitions.

His first doc, "Rebels at the end of time "was in 2002.

"The Boatman's House" is his last documentary. Filmed in Alentejo, Portugal, this project received last October two awards in the V Lisbon International Documentary Film Festival, Doc Lisboa.


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

With the support of