SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Might is Right

Genre : Social
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2003
Format : Feature
Running time : 86 (in minutes)

Instead of fighting poverty, we fight the poor.
Europe: Rich neighborhoods and miserable suburbs, where the "zero tolerance" policy is Law. We build prisons and close factories.
Poor people (in particular the youth from immigrant families) are at the concentration of the fear. Jumping through the mirror and breaking all clichés, this film shows them in all their humanity, on the streets, in prisons, at tribunals or in the basement of some ghetto. Exposing their emotions, their envies, their fears and their despairs.
Far from the cliché of European Democracy, where everyone deserves a chance, this film holds Belgium and France as witnesses.
"Might is Right" sheds a critical and emotional light on a society sometimes sordid and brutal: Our Society.
"What a strange time! What are we doing? Have we lost our minds?"

A film by Patric JEAN

Belgium / France, 2003, documentary - 1h26'

Directed by: Patric Jean
- Production: BlackMoon Production
- Coproduction: Brussels Video Center, Lapsus, Arte France, RTBF, Wallonie Image Production, Epeios Productions


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

With the support of