SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Common Man (The) | Monsieur Dupont

  • Dupont Lajoie
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title : Monsieur Dupont | Common Man (The) | Rape of Innocence
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1975
Format : Feature
Running time : 103 (in minutes)

As every summer, Georges Lajoie, a Parisian, and his family go on holiday to the South. They join old friends, the Schumachers and the Colins. Brigitte Colin, the daughter of ther old friends is raped and murdered, then her body hidden near the barracks of the immigrant Arab workers. The tension mounts...

A film by Yves Boisset

France, 1975, feature drama, 1h43, Crime / Drama

starring Jean Carmet, Isabelle Huppert, Mohamed Zinet, Abderrahmane Benkloua, Jean Bouise

Director: Yves Boisset
Script: Jean-Pierre Bastid, Yves Boisset, Jean Curtelin, Michel Martens
Photo: Jacques Loiseleux
Music: Vladimir Cosma

Jean Carmet (Georges Lajoie),
Pierre Tornade (Colin),
Jean Bouise (Inspecteur Boulard),
Michel Peyrelon (Albert Schumacher),
Ginette Garcin (Ginette Lajoie),
Pascale Roberts (Madame Colin),
Jean-Pierre Marielle (Léo Tartaffione),
Robert Castel (Loulou), Pino Caruso (Vigorelli),
Isabelle Huppert (Brigitte Colin),
Jacques Chailleux (Léon Lajoie),
Henri Garcin (Le haut fonctionnaire),
Odile Poisson (Mme Schumacher),
Victor Lanoux (Le costaud),
Mohamed Zinet (Le frère de Saïd),
Paul Bonifas (Le maire),
Abderrahmane Benkloua (Saïd),
Jacques Villeret (Gérald)

Country: France
Language: French
Runtime: 100 min
Aka (also known as): Rape of Innocence ; The Common Man



Ein film von Yves Boisset

Frankreich 1975, Spielfilm, 1h43

Source / Quelle: https://www.berlinale.de/de/archiv/jahresarchive/1975/02_programm_1975/02_Filmdatenblatt_1975_19750003.php


1 files


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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