SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

POV's Annual Call for Entries (USA)

Genre : Calls for papers
Contact details Tél : +1 (212) 989-8121, ext. 380
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Release/publication date : 2010
Published on : 23/06/2010

Submit your film for consideration for the 2011 broadcast season and beyond. Visit cfe.pov.org for the complete submission guidelines and online submission form. The arrival deadline for submissions is Wednesday, June 30, 2010.



Nonfiction only. Works that integrate some fictional elements or create genre hybrids can be considered. Please do not submit docudramas, reenactments, or performance pieces. When in doubt, please call our office, (212) 989-8121, ext. 380.

Works by independent filmmakers. Works produced by filmmakers in association with a station or an organization are acceptable if editorial control was entirely in the hands of the filmmaker. Instructional films, films made for a client, and sponsored films are not eligible.

Works that have not been broadcast nationally. POV expects to provide the broadcast premiere of a program. POV will, however, consider a work when it is of special merit and has had only limited television exposure (such as broadcast on local public TV stations or on cable systems with limited geographical reach).

Works by Non-U.S. based filmmakers. POV welcomes and encourages submissions from filmmakers worldwide. If your film has not been previously broadcast in the US and meets all other eligibility requirements you may submit to POV for consideration.

Works released within the past four years. POV will consider exceptional works completed before this date only if they have achieved significant recognition through festivals, awards or reviews. However, the producer or distributor must contact our office to obtain clearance before the work is submitted. Eligibility of films released prior to the four-year cut-off date is solely at the discretion of the Executive Director.


1 files


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

With the support of