SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Tjibaou, le pardon

  • Tjibaou, le pardon
Genre : Political
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2006
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 52 (in minutes)

Coming a year after the signing of the Matignon Accords in June 1988, the assassination of Jean-Marie Tjibaou by Djubelly Wéa, a militant from Ouvéa, came as a blow to the fragile, newfound peace in New Caledonia. The mobilization of political forces in Paris and Nouméa had allowed them to save and reinforce the Accords process. But Djubelly Wéa's act brought pain and sorrow to two wives and two families: the Tjibaous and the Wéas. The lack of understanding quickly turned to denial and hate. With time, a wall rose between Ouvéa et Hienghène. Between the Tjibaous and the Wéas. 15 years on, Marie-Claude Tjibaou and Manaky Wéa met and embraced. The scene took place at Hienghène and more recently in Tiendanite, in Jean-Marie Tjibaou's village. On 17 July 2004, the Tjibaou family agreed to officially forgive the Wéa family.

Director : Gilles Dagneau
Writer : Wallès Kotra, Gilles Dagneau
Camera : Pierre Vachet, Nicolas Luiggi, Désiré Menrempon
Sound : Augustin Cidopua, Elie Peu
Editing : Valérie Pasteau
Music : Alain Genty

Production : AAA,
77 rue de Charonne,
75011 Paris, France
Tél : +33 (0)1 4475 7070
Fax : +33 (0)1 4475 7080
Email : studio@aaaproduction.fr

Co-Production : Réseau France Outre-mer

Sales : AAA,
77 rue de Charonne,
75011 Paris, France
Tél : +33 (0)1 4475 7070
Fax : +33 (0)1 4475 7080
Email : studio@aaaproduction.fr

Format: Betacam Digital. Colour and B&W
Running time: 52 min
Year of production: 2006


2007 | 30vet Gouel ar Filmoù / 30e Festival de cinéma de Douarnenez | DOUARNENEZ (Finistère), France | 18-25 a viz eost / 18-25 août 2007 | http://www.festival-douarnenez.com |
> Sélection (Portraits de colonisés)

2007 | FIPA (Festival International des Programmes Audiovisuels | BIARRITZ, France
> Selection (Aspects of French Production)


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

With the support of