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Mobutu, King of Zaire

  • Mobutu, roi du Zaïre
Genre : Biography
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv, History/society
Year of production : 1999
Format : Feature
Running time : 135 (in minutes)

At the end of 1965, General Mobutu and his army installed a military government in the war-torn former Belgian colony of Congo, soon to be renamed Zaire. For the next thirty years, Mobutu Sese Seko Wa Zabanga, Marshall of Zaire, ruled alone, dispensing disgrace and favour as he saw fit. Thierry Michel tells the story of an extraordinary destiny, built on ambition and delusions of grandeur, on treachery and cowardice.

Un film de Thierry Michel

Belgique / Zaïre, 1999, documentaire - 135' (3 x 52 min) - Film 35 mm

A Three-Part Film by Thierry Michel.
3 x 52 min

International Sales: Doc & Film International

This is the definitive visual record of the rise and fall of Joseph Désiré Mobutu, ruler of Zaire (the Congo) for over 30 years. Drawing upon 140 hours of rare archival material found in Kinshasa, and 50 hours of interviews with those once close to him, MOBUTU, KING OF ZAIRE tells the story of the man at the heart of Central Africa's post-colonial history.

Part One - Quest For Power
Covering the years from Mobutu's birth until 1969, Part One documents his journey from cook's son to President of the Congo. In an interview former CIA Station Chief Larry Devlin confirms that Mobutu was seen as a replacement for Patrice Lumumba, and describes receiving the order to eliminate Lumumba. Archival footage shows Mobutu's coup in 1965, Lumumba in captivity with Mobutu looking on, and the ensuing four-year civil war.

Part Two - An African Tragedy
Part Two documents his rule from 1969 to 1988. By 1970 Mobutu was the undisputed ruler of Zaire, controlling its riches, property and people. Resistance was brutally repressed, and economic crises were constant, as described here by Mobutu's advisors and others.

Part Three - The End of a Reign
As the Cold War ended, Mobutu partied on the Mediterranean with
Americans and other dignitaries. Part Three includes footage of these lavish affairs. Despite former President George Bush's assertions that he was "our most valued friend in Africa," Mobutu felt
increasing pressure to open the political process to opposition. Contemporary documentary material documents the emergence of an opposition movement led by Etienne Tshisekedi, the National Conference (1990 to 1992), and the 1996 rebellion led by Laurent
Desire Kabila.

"Rejects shrill indictment in favor of the cumulative revelation
of its subject through film and the testimony of knowledgeable Mobutu aides and other qualified individuals. [MOBUTU] is the devastating witness that lays bare the homicidal, corrupt, vainglorious tyranny of Mobutu Sese Seko."-New York Times

"Excellent! A remarkable film! Literally fantastic footage and revealing interviews. Students should see it" -David Moore, University of Natal, Durban, for H-SAfrica

"A stunning documentary."-American Historical Review

"Previously unseen archive footage interspersed with interviews with survivors of Mobutu's inner circle... makes for great cinematic drama. A rarity."-Mail & Guardian

"A tremendous documentary on the folly of power." -Le Monde

✮1999 Best Documentary Nominee, International Documentary Association

✮Special Mention, 1999 European Film Awards

✮1999 Prix Arte, European Film Academy

✮1999 New York International Film Festival

✮1999 Margaret Mead Film Festival

✮2000 African Studies Association Conference Film Festival

✮2001 African Literature Association Conference Film Festival



Productie: Christine Pireaux, Martine Barbe, Serge Lalou.
Scenario: Thierry Michel.
Regie: Thierry Michel.
Fotografie: Alain Marcoen, Joël Marcipont, Didier Hill Derive.
Verdeler: Cinélibre.



A finales de 1965, en un país destrozado, el general Mobutu y el ejército instalan un Estado fuerte en la antigua colonia belga, el Congo, bautizada después Zaire. Durante treinta años, Mobutu Sese Seko Wa Zabanga, mariscal de Zaire, reina de manera absoluta, distribuyendo favores y condenas. Thierry Michel bosqueja la historia de un destino excepcional, hecho de ambiciones y grandezas, de traiciones y cobardías.


12 files


  • Arterial network
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam

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